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Atte: Staff
Interview with An4etyyy_Cherry
miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011 at 21:29 // 0 Comments // Author:

Real name: AnnieStardoll name : An4etyyy_CherryCountry: Bulgaria
1. How does it feel to represent your country?
- I feel very honored, because this is a big achievement for my country and I'm very grateful to all people who are voted me.
2. What factors do you think that helped you to become a semifinalist?
-My friends believed in me and support me a lot,  so I'm very grateful to them, also I think I have enough for a Miss... :)
3. What features do you think that the next Miss Stardoll World should have?
- I think that sense of fashion, creativity and imagination are most important but one Miss should have nice attitude too, she shouldn't be rude for sure...

